
You represent and warrant that you are competent and eligible to enter into a legally binding agreement and be bound by these Terms of Use.


You need to be of Kodava ethnicity or be married to a Kodava to be eligible to upload User Generated Content (as defined in Clause 4.1).


You shall be eligible to upload or modify information pertaining only to yourself and your immediate family, i.e., you, your parents, spouse and children. If you are desirous of uploading or modifying information of any other family members or third persons, it shall be your responsibility to ensure that you have their prior express consent to be eligible to do so. Further, if you wish to submit the personal or other information of a person under the age of 18 (eighteen) year, please ensure that the consent of such person's parent or legal guardian is obtained prior to such submission.


If you represent any Association, Society or any other entity and are desirous of uploading or modifying information pertaining to your members, you shall be eligible to do so only with the prior express consent of the members and with due authorization from your concerned entity, in accordance with its charter terms.


You are not permitted to access and use this Website if you do not meet the above eligibility criteria.


A user shall be any person who meets the above eligibility criteria ("User").