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Yethe theare


Yethe theare is held in the ainmane of Chenanda Okka at Kokeri.

Story behind this theare

Uthayya is the main and first person who stood for this Balyamane. Once when he was sitting alone, he got a thought on his mind telling “it is not good to lead a life like this, and hence will go to Baithoor with Sannakki Poraayi…”  He expressed this feeling with his mother and she agreed and asked him to do as he wished.

After this, Uthayya Kaarana let 35 Chomas from the shed; standing in the Deva Nade infront of Nellakki Nadubaade, praying to god he loaded Sannakki inside the pore; and then he took these 35 Oxen on an ethe Pore to Peyyavur.

After ethe Porata they reached Baithoorappa’s Nade, and these sannakis were offered to deva nade and remaining sannakkis were sold to maple vendor (ancient days these sannakkis were weighed using gold).

On the way, while returning back home, Chomas were allowed to graze in the field. While they were grazing, one of the huge and old choma (who was well versed in finding the routes) from this group went missing. Uthayya Ajja got worried and searched for his choma everywhere but he couldn’t find. He stood in udumbe river and made a vow to god asking “if my choma returns back home I will tie a theare of 5 murthys including yethe theare”.

After few days missing choma faced a battle with a fox. After having a huge fight choma returned back to ainmane. He went around the ainmane for three times and bowed his leg, shouted loudly and died. It is believed that choma returned back because of these 5 Murthys.

After this incident Uthayya Ajja as vowed to god, tied 5 murthy theare. The next day choundi theare was tied and after this yethe theare was held.

It is in the memory of that Choma that they have the yethe Theare!
