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Codanda Okka

About the Okka

Codanda ainmane is Located in Kadanga Murur. Aiyanna from the okka who was born in 1700 AD, the last son of Uthu Nayaka married twice and had six sons – hence there were six bhagas in the okka. His elder brother Appayya who never married is also considered as a Karanava. They were the thakka of the Pemmathmani temple, about 100 years ago – not now. They were also the ur thakka in the past. A note framed on the wall in their ainmane says that the Karanava named the okka after Rama’s bow, hence Kodanda/Codanda. There is another story where it says that it was the Kodagu Raja who gave them the name Codanda.




Codanda ainmane


Codanda Aiyanna


Subedar Codanda Madiah’s brother Appayya was an able man with long arms extending upto his knees. He was a “Khasa Munshi ” with very good knowledge. Wicked neighbours,jealous of his position decoyed him to Beerangolly Forest in Thomara on a plea of hunting and killed him. The relatives of the dead man resorted to cursing the ones who took for hunting and swore that none of the family memebers  from Codanda Okka will have social connection with them for ever

Codanda – Mathanda

Codanda – Ballachanda

Eminent people


Codanda Rohini Poovaiah

Codanda Sommaiah


Dr Codanda Muthaiah



Codanda Ganapathy (Lt Col) -General surgeon

Codanda I Somaya (Brig)-General Physican

