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Mandh is the name of the open public place in which business is transacted or festive games carried on. During festivals the whole family assembles in the “Mandh” (open ground), where physical contests and sports, including shooting, are conducted.

Types of Mandh

Generally tthese are the types of Mandhs:

  • Panchayati-mandh is the mandh for business transactions.
  • Devara-mandh is a mandh on which dances are performed in the name of Bhagavati during Puthari days.
  • Oor-mandh is the mandh of the village on which the Puthari performances take place.
  • Seeme Mandh
  • Vadee –  this is usulay a okkas area marked out as waade for the okkas activities but in due time when villagers felt that can be used for the village activities the wades were transformed as madh

Mandh by Location

  1. Aaraayira naad Poomale mandh Kukloor-Virajper(Seeme mandh)
  2. Beeruga Oormandh Beeruga.
  3. Botyath Moondh Naad Kaimudike Mandh- Kundha( Seeme Mandh)
  4. Chorange maani mandh- Kaikaad Kuyyangeri Nad
  5. Devamakkada Bane Mandh – Halligatt(Botyath naad Mandh)
  6. Gudrode Naad Mandh – Mugutgeri
  7. Harihara Naad Mandh- Harihara
  8. Kadagadhal Mandh – Kadagadhal
  9. Kallambala Oor Mand- Kumtoor Village
  10. Kallira Bane – Ammathi Nad
  11. Kanur Oor mandh – Kanur.
  12. Kenjiraane Mandh- Kunjila
  13. Kootathmaave Mandh – Mayamudi
  14. Kotte Krishnappa Mandh- Bengnad
  15. Kurchi Beeruga Naad Mandh
  16. Kuruli Ambala – Makkandur Nad
  17. Kurumaad Mandh
  18. Machurode mandh- Perur (ಮಚ್ಚುರೋಡೆ) Ballath naad Mandh
  19. Madkod Mandh Hudikeri
  20. Mandhathavva Naad Mandh- Bekkesodlur
  21. Marenaad Mandh- Birunani
  22. Naalkeri Orr Mandh- Nalkeri
  23. Nemmale Orr Mandh -Nemmale Village
  24. Noorambada Naad Mandh, /Biddatandawaade Napokulu
  25. Patti Bane – Balgod
  26. Payyada Mandh -Hysodlur
  27. Thaaleri Mundh Naad Mandh- Thavalageri Village – Seeme Mandh
  28. Thirke Paali Mandh Betoli Nad
  29. Thuchamakeri Oormandh- Thuchamakeri.

Mandh by type

Oor Mandh

  1. Beeruga Oor mandh Beeruga.
  2. Chorange maani mandh- Kaikaad Kuyyangeri Nad
  3. Kadagadhal Mandh – Kadagadhal
  4. Kallambala Oor Mand- Kumtoor Village
  5. Kanur Oor mandh – Kanur.
  6. Kurumaad Mandh
  7. Madkod Mandh Hudikeri
  8. Marenaad Mandh- Birunani
  9. Naalkeri Orr Mandh- Nalkeri
  10. Nemmale Orr Mandh -Nemmale Village
  11. Thuchamakeri Oormandh- Thuchamakeri.

Naad Mandh

  1. Aaraayira naad Poomale mandh Kukloor-Virajper(Seeme mandh)
  2. Beeruga Oormandh Beeruga.
  3. Botyath Moondh Naad Kaimudike Mandh- Kundha( Seeme Mandh)


Seeme mandh

