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Machanda Okka

About  the Okka

The Machchanda /Machanda okka which was originally in Kirndad has two bhagas. The bhaga that stayed in Kirndad, Machchanda -1, is a very small okka and only one man and his 3 children are left in it, and it has no ainmane. One ajja of the Machchanda okka in Kirndad came to Kokeri in 1717 and started this bhaga, Machchanda-2. He settled on this land (mannk nindiya) that belonged to Chudamma, an Amma, whose okka had become extinct (because he was cursed by Mudera Karanava Appayya after Chudamma shot him).

Since this was Amma land and Ammanur was their deity, the Machchanda-2 okka continued worshipping Ammanur as their family deity.

This okka used to take rice on 36 oxen to Payyavur every year. Once an ajja of the okka questioned the need for it and stopped the practice. The next year all the young men in the okka died and only one lady, Mayavva thayi, was left in the okka. She was pregnant then, and took an ox to Payyavur and asked God’s forgiveness for the lapse. God Bayathurappa of Payyavur said “Go back and cleanse your house thoroughly”. She did that and the god came to the aka of the okka with his kadathale and said “Ee okka manel ee mannina darengi thindathengi, itti kuthi mannina edtha pochengi, ayingada mulel ambe thumbe molath pod”. This was a curse “Should anyone come and feed on the land of this okka or take away from it, let their land be covered with weeds and thorns (meaning let them be ruined)”. Then he came up to the house and kept his kadathale there and blessed the house saying “Kulradi bathengiyu alradi bapple” which means “Even if this okka be in want of rice, it will never want for people”. Mayavva then gave birth to twins: Appayya (Karanava of this okka) and his twin brother who revived the Thathira okka (mannk nindath). Appayya’ sons Monnayya and Subbayya are also considered as Karanavas of the okka.

Karanava Monnayya ajja married a beautiful girl from the Kundyolanda okka. King Veeraraja heard about her beauty and asked that she be sent to him. Monnayya told his younger brother to take care of his young wife and went to the king himself. The king got him beheaded at Raja seat and Monnayya’s head fell at the Choundi shrine in Kokeri. His people brought his be-headed body and head and cremated him in Kokeri.


  • Karanachi Mayavva, her son Appayya, Appayya’s 2 sons Monappa &Subbayya(3 Karanava)


  • ainmane

Eminient people

