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Eminent People of Kodava tribe have contributed immensely towards the growth of the Indian nation, despite them being in small numbers. Their most significant contributions are in the armed forces and in sports. Originally being land-owning militiamen farmers from Kodagu, hence their traditional twin occupations were as agriculturists and as soldiers. The distinguished among them had been local chieftains, palace officials, officers of the Raja’s army and brave battle veterans, therefore invariably having attained fame in either government service or in the local army.

Eminent People of Kodavas  have achieved laurels in all walk of life and prominent in every field and are listed for the future generations to know 

Thekkada Bhavani ( Rachana) Nanjunda a sportsperson from Napoklu, Kodagu is an trained and qualified (NZSIA Level – 1) skier and mountaineer. Now has  been selected as an Indian Cross-Country Skier and will be taking part in… read more »

Thelapanda E Appaiah(Shambu) a sportsperson was born on 3 August, 1940.  He was a true champion right from his school days. He was encouraged by his teacher B C Aiyappa to run in his school… read more »

Three kodavas rule Ranji team Archive Archive Collector Col Konganda Machaiah Archive Subject Aiyuda Robin Uthappa Kotarangada P Appanna Neravanda C Aiyappa Date of Publication   Publication Name Times of India

Archive Archive Collector Col Konganda Machaiah Archive Subject Ajjikkuttira Trishul chinnappa Date of Publication   Publication Name Deccan Herald

Trishul top junior golfer 2010 Archive Archive Collector Col Konganda Machaiah Archive Subject Ajjikkuttira Trishul chinnappa Date of Publication   Publication Name Coffeeland News  

Uthappa in Team India Archive    Archive Collector Col Konganda Machaiah Archive Subject Ayuda Robin Uthappa  Date of Publication   Publication Name  

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