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Chenanda Okka

About the Okka

The name of Chenanda okka changed from Chaliyanda to Cherngera and then to Chenanda. This okka is referred to as ‘Chepp pani Chenanda’.

Once when their Karanava Uthayya was taking 35 oxen on an eth por to Payyavur, one ox (called Papali) was lost. The Karanava stood in water on the Kabbe hill and made a vow to God Payyavurappa, asking that the ox return safely by the time he returned from Payyavur. The ox had been attacked by a tiger and It came home and went round the ainmane thrice and died. (It is in memory of that ox that they have the eth there and the Karanava of this okka is referred to as “Godari”. ‘Go’ means ox/cow and ‘dari’ means path or road, in Kannada).

 This is Chettiar land. When the Chettiar family that owned it became extinct this okka got the land.


When the members of the Palanganda okka in Kirndad  were killed by the Raja, only one pregnant woman who was not in the ainmane survived. Chenanda Madayya kuthik nindiya (makka paraje) and their children revived the Palanganda okka. Palanganda people join during festivals celebrated here The Palanganda in Kirndad (they have no ainmane now, only kaimada) therefore have two Karanavas, one is Chenanda and the other is Palanganda. For this reason, there are no intermarriages between Chenanda and Palanganda Okka.

The Chenanda okka has four bhagas. This one, Chenanda-1 in Kokeri, two in Kolathod-Baigod and one in Kodambur, only Chenanda-1 has an ainmane now. 





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